===== 哈伦·埃利森 ===== 哈伦·埃利森(Harlan Ellison 1934年5月27日—2018年6月29日) ,美国最著名,也最有争议的科幻作家之一。出生于俄亥俄州克里夫兰一个犹太人家庭,曾就读于俄亥俄州立大学。获得过10次雨果奖和4次星云奖,主要作品包括《“忏悔吧,小丑!”嘀嗒人说》、《一个男孩和他的狗》、《死鸟》、《杰佛迪五岁》、《无声狂啸》等。 2018年6月29日,哈兰·埃利森去世,享年84岁。 ====人物生平==== 哈伦·埃利森出生于俄亥俄州克里夫兰一个犹太人家庭,曾就读于俄亥俄州立大学,但是18个月后就被学校要求离开,原因据其本人说是当时一位教授质疑他的写作能力,在其后的40多年间,埃利森每出版一部作品,就会给这位教授寄上一份。 [{{:科幻作家:images.jpg?200 |Harlan Ellison}}] 离开学校后,埃利森于1955年迁居纽约市,开始致力于科幻小说创作。此时,埃利森早已在俄亥俄州克莱文德市拥有了良好的名声,这要归结于他在克莱文德科幻协会杂志《科幻与奇幻小报》上的投稿和参与。在1956年,埃利森在《无限科幻小说》上发表《Glowworm》,这是他的首次正式发表著作。自此,他开始了丰富多产的出版生涯。埃利森创作范围广泛,领域包括了科幻小说、侦探悬疑小说、剧本创作等等。例如,为了进行黑帮题材小说的创作,他亲自加入一个黑帮以便获取第一手资料。他甚至还是《花花公子》杂志的撰稿人。 哈伦·埃利森共获得过10次雨果奖和4次星云奖,也是唯一一位赢取3次美国作家指南最佳剧情奖的剧作家。为哈伦·埃利森在科幻界赢取至高荣誉的,除了他的短篇小说创作,还包括在1967年和1972年出版的《危险影像(Dangerous Visions)》和《危险影像续篇》这两本小说选集。它们独特的风格令其至今仍广受欢迎。埃利森曾两度凭借《危险影像》及《危险影像续》获得了雨果特别荣誉奖。在scifi 网站编辑列出的名单上,《危险影像》是唯一一本进入最佳50本行列的小说选集。时至今日,《危险影像》已经俨然成为了科幻界各种选集中一个独特的品牌。 2006年,为表彰其为科幻小说事业所作贡献,埃利森被美国星云奖授予“科幻大师”称号。 ====荣誉==== 文如其人,埃利森的小说极富个性,说服力强,固执己见而且通篇抗议之声不绝于耳。每个作家都用亲身经历来著书立说,但是同大多数作家的作品相比,埃利森的作品更贴近他的内心世界。 不仅因为写作技巧,而且因为故事中的激情以及对人的成长过程·即在一个敌视的宇宙里对生存痛苦的关注。 [{{ :科幻作家:星际迷航.jpg?200|星际迷航}}] 他是个多产的作家:近几年来象许多科幻小说作家一样,埃利森最拿手的是写短篇小说。 他的短篇小说已经为他赢得了在数量上创记录的奖项:《忏悔吧,小丑!敲钟人说》获得1965年的一项雨果奖;《我没有嘴,我要呐喊》登载于《假如》1967获得雨果奖。 诺史·梅勒的《为自己做广告》可能是对埃利森毕生写照: 他令人崇敬,也可能招人讨厌,往往同时表现出这两种德性。他说,他不是科幻小说作家,他是一个叫埃利森的作家,寻求的不是科幻小说的读者而是埃利森的读者。他认为“科幻小说”这一标签于他不仅不准确而且碍事。他也许说得对。 《我没有嘴,我要呐喊》在1995年改编成游戏发行,名称是《无声狂啸》. ====主要作品 ==== 如需详细了解,请进入[[wp>Harlan Ellison bibliography]]或获取我们下载的的PDF文件{{ :科幻作家:harlan_ellison_bibliography.pdf |harlan_ellison_bibliography.pdf}} ==== 所获奖项 ==== **美国科幻奇幻及恐怖电影学院 (USA)** * Golden Scroll (Best Writing – Career 1976) **American Mystery Award** * "Soft Monkey" (best short story, 1988) **阿西莫夫科幻杂志的读者调查** * 《我,机器人》电影剧本 (特别奖, 1988) **美国有声读物出版商协会** * The Titanic Disaster Hearings: The Official Transcript of the 1912 Senatorial Investigation (Best Multi-Voiced Presentation, 1999) * City of Darkness (Best Solo Narration, 1999) **Best American Short Stories** * "The Man who Rowed Christopher Columbus Ashore" (included in the 1993 anthology) **The Bradbury Award** * Given by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America in 2000 to Harlan Ellison and Yuri Rasovsky for the radio series 2000X. **Bram Stoker Award** * The Essential Ellison (best collection, 1987) * Harlan Ellison's Watching (best non-fiction, 1989 – tie) * Mefisto in Onyx (best novella, 1993 – tie) * "Chatting With Anubis" (best short story, 1995) **Lifetime Achievement Award, 1995** * I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (best other media – audio, 1999) **British Fantasy Award** * "Jeffty Is Five" (best short story, 1979) **British Science Fiction Award** * Deathbird Stories (best collection, 1978) **Deathrealm Award** [{{ :科幻作家:下载.jpg?200|Dangerous Visions}}] * Chatting with Anubis (best short fiction, 1996) **Edgar Allan Poe Award** * "The Whimper of Whipped Dogs" (best short story, 1974) * "Soft Monkey" (best short story, 1988) **Georges Melies Fantasy Film Award** * Demon with a Glass Hand / The Outer Limits (Achievement in Science Fiction Television, 1972) * The City on the Edge of Forever / Star Trek (Achievement in Science Fiction Television, 1973) **Hugo Award** * ""Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman" (best short fiction, 1966) * "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream" (best short story, 1968) * The City on the Edge of Forever (best dramatic presentation, 1968) * Dangerous Visions (Worldcon special award, 1968) * "The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World" (best short story, 1969) * Again, Dangerous Visions (Worldcon special award for excellence in anthologizing, 1972) * "The Deathbird" (best novelette, 1974) * "Adrift Just Off the Islets of Langerhans: Latitude 38° 54' N, Longitude 77° 00' 13" W" (best novelette, 1975) * A Boy and His Dog (film – best dramatic presentation, 1976. The Hugo was originally given to L.Q. Jones, the film's producer and screenwriter. After the ceremony, Ellison complained that as author of the original story upon which Jones's screenplay was based, he deserved to share in the award. No extra Hugo statuette was available, so to mollify Ellison, he received a Hugo base, which he calls his "half Hugo".) * "Jeffty Is Five" (best short story, 1978) * "Paladin of the Lost Hour" (best novelette, 1986) **International Horror Guild Award** * 1994 Living Legend Award **Jupiter Award (Instructors of Science Fiction in Higher Education)** * "The Deathbird" (best short story, 1973) * "Jeffty Is Five" (best short story, 1977) **Locus Poll Award** * The Region Between (best short fiction, 1971) * Basilisk (best short fiction, 1973) * Again, Dangerous Visions (best anthology, 1973) * The Deathbird (best short fiction, 1974) * Adrift Just Off the Islets of Langerhans: Latitude 38° 54' N, Longitude 77° 00' 13" W (best novelette, 1975) * "Croatoan" (best short story, 1976) * "Jeffty Is Five" (best short story, 1978)(best short story of all time, 1999 online poll) * "Count the Clock that Tells the Time" (best short story, 1979) * "Djinn, No Chaser" (best novelette, 1983) * Sleepless Nights in the Procrustean Bed (introduction) (best related non-fiction, 1985) * Medea: Harlan's World (best anthology, 1986) * Paladin of the Lost Hour (best novelette, 1986) * "With Virgil Oddum at the East Pole" (best short story, 1986) * Angry Candy (best collection, 1989) * The Function of Dream Sleep (best novelette, 1989) * "Eidolons" (best short story, 1989) * Mefisto in Onyx (best novella, 1994) * Slippage (best collection, 1998) **Nebula Award** * ""Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman" (best short story, 1966) * A Boy and His Dog (best novella, 1970) * "Jeffty Is Five" (best short story, 1978) **Grand Master Award (at Tempe, Arizona, May 6, 2006)** * "How Interesting: A Tiny Man" (best short story, tied with Kij Johnson/"Ponies" 2011) **Prometheus Award** * ""Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman" (2015 Hall of Fame Inductee) **Writers Guild of America** * Demon with a Glass Hand / The Outer Limits (Best Original Teleplay, 1965) * The City on the Edge of Forever / Star Trek(Best Original Teleplay, 1967) * Phoenix Without Ashes / The Starlost (Best Written Dramatic Episode, 1974) * Paladin of the Lost Hour / The Twilight Zone (Best Anthology Episode/Single Program, 1987) **Writers Guild of Canada** * The Human Operators / The Outer Limits (2000) **World Fantasy Award** * Angry Candy (Best Collection, 1989) * Lifetime Achievement Award, 1993 **J. Lloyd Eaton Lifetime Achievement Award in Science Fiction** * 2011 recipient (Eaton Collection of Science Fiction and Fantasy, University of California–Riverside Libraries) ==== 访谈==== ====评价====